Create a Rails Edge Rspec Project
Recently I helped few people moving to Rails Edge and start using RSpec. I realized that I learned few tricks and even if for me everything seemed quite simple, things are not that simple when you recently started with Rails.
This would work on Mac and Linux, sorry Windows users, you’ll have to slightly change the code below.
Live on the Edge
This is actually a bit tricky but it was very well covered by John Nunemaker in this post
To sum John’s post:
Create a normal rails project:
<code>$ rails my_project
$ cd my_project
$ rake rails:freeze:edge
(or use checkout edge in the vendor folder)
<code>$ cd ..
$ ruby my_project/vendor/rails/railties/bin/rails my_edgie_project
You now have have a real Edge project called my_edgie_project. You can delete the my_project folder since we only used it to create our real edge project.
Now, we are not really done since we need to add the Edge files into our vendor folder so we don’t use our local rails gem.
I would refer to another post from John, that you can find there
<code>$ mkdir ~/rails
$ cd ~/rails
$ svn co .
We just created a rails folder called rails in our home folder and we checked out edge/trunk in it. Now let’s go in our Rails app and setup a symlink to the trunk folder we just created.
<code>$ cd ~/rails_projects/my_edgie_project
$ ln -s ~/rails/trunk vendor/rails
If you are using subversion, you can ignore the symlink so it doesn’t try to version it:
<code>$ svn propset svn:ignore "rails" vendor/
$ svn commit -m "using new sweet rails setup as recommended by John Nunemaker"
$ svn up
Read more for advanced settings etc…
Install RSpec
Very straight forward, you just need to follow the documentation
<code>$ cd ~/rails_projects/my_edgie_project
$ ruby script/plugin install svn://
$ ruby script/plugin install svn://
If you have TextMate, you might want to download the latest RSpec-X.Y.Z.tmbundle.tgz Bundle
Next thing you want to do is to install ZenTest
<code>$ sudo gem install ZenTest
Make sure you install all the required packages.
If you are using Growl create a new file called .autotest in your home directory:
<code>$mate ~./autotest
and add the following 2 lines to be warned when your specs/examples fail/pass
<code>require 'autotest/redgreen'
require 'autotest/growl'
Now, lets go back to our project and create a model using the rspec scaffold (it uses scaffold_resource generator and create all the specs for you)
<code>$ cd ~/rails_projects/my_edgie_project
$ ruby script/generate rspec_scaffold User first_name:string last_name:string :age:integer
Now, let’s start autotest (from zentest) so out code is tested in the background
<code>$ autotest
There you go, really to modify your RSpec examples, make them fail, fix your code, examples should pass, refactor your code and start again :)