Globalite Update
Today I updated Globalite, refactoring the code and fixing some issues.
I added a bunch of aliases since I was tired of typing:
<code>Globalite.current_language = :fr
I shortened it to
<code>Globalite.language = :fr
But the old method is still available so it won’t break your code ;)
The major change with this update is a better support for locales. Let’s say that in our application we setup the language to :fr (French) but we didn’t specify a country. Remember that Globalite lets you have specific translations/localizations per country so you can display dates, prices properly.
Previously, if my locale was set to :fr-* then Globalite would try to load the fr.yml files and not fr-FR.yml.
If you decided to use a fr.yml file for your UI localization, you might have noticed that all the Rails core messages weren’t translated(now you know why). This update deals with this issue and if a translation isn’t found in your locale, it will look for translations in your language but from a different country and pick a random one.
I’m expecting Rails core translations in Japanese, Korean and Chinese. Feel free to email me your own file and let me know on what project you used Globalite.