For many Americans, the 4th of July reminds them of their freedom.
Since I didn’t grow up in the US, for the 4th of July was a great occasion for a BBQ with friends and enjoying fireworks.
However, things changed this year when I decided to leave my full time job as Rails developer to become a consultant and work with my own clients.
Just after July the 4th, I started working full time as a contractor and I really like it. I’ve been working on some projects as a consultant in the past but I found myself often frustrated by the fact that I couldn’t spend enough time on a project a once.
I seriously enjoy working with different people, different needs, different approaches. Learning from all these people is very valuable to me.
Working from home comes at a price though, I need to deal with taxes, health coverage and the rest of the paperwork…. but come on, being able to work from your deck and have flexible hours is priceless ;)