News Update

I realized I haven’t updated this blog in a while. Here is a quick update on what’s happened and on things to come:

  • RailsConf 08. Great conference, probably my last Rails Conf though. I’ll be in Orlando for Ruby Conf 08 and I’ll focus on 1 or 2 local conferences (probably mountain west and another one).
  • MerbCamp 08 in San Diego this Fall organized by SD Ruby. Details are not finalized yet but Yehuda Katz announced it during his Merb talk at RailsConf.
  • Moved this blog to a new Joyent accelerator with git support and finally have the possibility to use Ambition! (planning on moving from Mephisto to Feather)
  • Launched a client’s Merb app and getting around 3 million hits/day. Merb is just awesome. (more info when the client’s app gets out of beta)

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