Mruby and Mobiruby

Today, two big Ruby news came directly from Japan:

  • The Open Source release of Matz' mruby on GitHub.
  • The announce of MobiRuby, an upcoming solution to develop iOS and Android applications using Ruby.

Probably due to my involvement with the MacRuby project, people have been asking me what I thought of these news.


mruby is far from being a new project. It’s based on the RiteVM which is a sponsored project by the Japanese ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and lead by Ruby’s creator: Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto and was explained in details during Matz’s RubyConf 2010 keynote.

Back in November 2011 Matz also explained mruby. His talk was recorded and he explains very well the current Ruby ecosystem and why mruby makes sense.

As explained, the main goal of mruby is to have a Ruby version that can be embedded and therefore have a smaller footprint, be compiled and linked within another application.

Hiroshi Nakamura gave a great 1 line definition of mruby:


mruby targets game developers (to use instead of Lua), embedded application developers (devices, TV, phones..) and small memory footprint server applications (instead of JS for instance).

I’m personally quite excited by mruby, it’s not there yet and there is still a lot of work to do to prove the value of the project but it’s certainly a great step in the right direction. What’s also really nice is that the project is released under an OSS license allowing for all of us to contribute and companies to improve the implementation based on their own needs.

Summary: mruby is a promising project even if it is still in its infancy. Besides being yet another Ruby implementation, the fact that the target audience and the project scope are well defined and that the project is lead by Ruby’s author and sponsored by the Japanese government makes me want to believe that it can be a successful project. That said Lua is a simpler language and it is already well implemented in the targeted market, so hopefuly Matz, his team and the Japanese government have a plan to advocate and champion this new technology. Good luck to them and I’ll keep an attentive eye on the project.

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MobiRuby is being developed by Yuichiro MASUI who works for Appcelerator the company behind the popular Titanium platform to write native iOS, Android apps in JS.

MobiRuby is built on top of mruby making it the first demonstration of what motivated developers can do with Matz new implementation. Very much like mruby, MobiRuby will be released under an OSS license but unlike mruby, the Apache license was chosen.

So far this was just an announcement with a code sample and a screenshot. That was enough to make the front page of HackerNews. Apparently the author is planning on releasing a first version in a few months.

It might surprise some, but I’m quite glad to see this kind of projects even though, they compete to some extent against MacRuby. It proves two things:

  • there is a strong interest in having Ruby on mobile devices.
  • it’s technically possible to do so.

Now, this is not something new either, Lua developers have been able to write iOS apps for a while, yet the majority of the iOS developers still use Objective-C. What are the challenges facing implementations trying to replace Objective-C?

The replacement language might not fit the Cocoa design.

Developing an iOS/OS X app means that you spend your time using provided libraries (called frameworks in Apple’s jargon). These frameworks have specific patterns, a well defined syntax and usually work in a very consistent/constraining way. Or your language is quite similar (like Ruby) and the transition is easy, or you need to start writing and maintaining wrappers (titanium).

Bridged runtimes.

Having 2 runtimes running at the same time is quite challenging and not efficient. That’s one of the reasons why Apple pushed MacRuby to move from RubyCocoa being a bridge and to have a Ruby implementation running in Objective-C runtime itself. This allows something else, in MacRuby all objects are actually Objective-C objects which means you don’t need to convert anything and Cocoa APIs can be extended from Ruby code by just reopening them.


This one is critical for many. Often, you don’t want to have your next big project rely on a technology that doesn’t have a good backing and support. What happens if you build your app using an alternate implementation and all a sudden the developer(s) get bored and move on, or take another job? What about the updates needed as Apple/Google update their platforms? It might not be the best reason to not choose an alternative, but it’s a reasonable reason especially for companies who want to be “safe”.


Cocoa APIs represent probably 90% of the challenge when writing iOS/OS X applications. The APIs, while powerful and efficient, are often a pain to get used to and to learn.

You have the challenge of the documentation and the examples that are only in Objective-C, requiring that someone writes a book and/or that you convert and maintain an enormous amount of documentation.

You also have all the tools provided by Apple which, you often can’t fully use because you aren’t using their toolchain.

To be honest, after so many years using MacRuby, I think that the real value of such a project isn’t in the easier syntax but instead in the fact that you can easily build wrappers and higher level interfaces around repetitive tasks. Having a mix of a well designed DSL and yet access to the native object is something extremely powerful.

Objective-C is evolving.

Objective-C is evolving, with the introduction of ARC, memory management became much easier. The latest version of clang also granted Objective-C with a nicer syntax thanks to new literals and object subscripting (read more). As a matter of fact, Objective-C’s syntax is getting closer and closer to Ruby’s making the choice to use an alternate much harder.

// character literals.
NSNumber *theLetterZ = @'Z';          // equivalent to [NSNumber numberWithChar:'Z']

// integral literals.
NSNumber *fortyTwo = @42;             // equivalent to [NSNumber numberWithInt:42]

// floating point literals.
NSNumber *piDouble = @3.1415926535;   // equivalent to [NSNumber numberWithDouble:3.1415926535]

// BOOL literals.
NSNumber *yesNumber = @YES;           // equivalent to [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]

// Container literals
NSArray *array = @[ @"Hello", NSApp, [NSNumber numberWithInt:42] ];
id value = array[idx];

NSDictionary *dictionary = @{
  @"name" : NSUserName(),
  @"date" : [NSDate date],
  @"processInfo" : [NSProcessInfo processInfo]
id oldObject = dictionary[key];
dictionary[key] = newObject;	// replace oldObject with newObject


Even though devices are more and more powerful, performance is often critical and Apple optimized the performance of their solution for their language. If you have ever developed a Titanium app, you know that it can be an issue and you might have to find workarounds to get decent performance.

Summary: Based on all these things, once MobiRuby will be released, I will be able to make a better judgement. But based on what I have seen so far, I’m quite concerned by the syntax and the performance we will get out of the box. But time will tell and things can always be improved. Ruby on iOS/Android is something exciting and I’m looking forward to testing the first betas.

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