Yet Another Rc Release Merb 10 Rc3
Yesterday, Yehuda Katz annouced Merb 1.0 RC3 released and today we re released the same version with a hotfix (some dependencies got broken).
Here is a quick sum up:
improved the testing framework with full webrat integration.
merb-action-args works with ParseTree 2.x and 3.x.
improved merb-auth
dependency “parse_treeâ€, :require_as => “ParseTree†{ # do stuff after the gem is loaded }. You can also pass :immediate => true  (great to use gems from GitHub)
improved Windows and JRuby support
1.0 final is expected to be released during Ruby Conf.
On a different note, the MerbCamp videos were released today. Check out the videos there.
A big thank to Patrick Crowley and Rob Kaufman for taking care of the encoding videos.