Apples Ruby Macruby

During ConFoo Canada 2010 in Montreal, Canada Matt Aimonetti gave a talk entitled {{ Apple’s Ruby: MacRuby }}.

##Description of the talk:

For many years, Apple has been shipping its OS with Ruby. But starting about two years ago, Apple started developing their own Ruby implementation on top of Objective-C runtime for performance and compatibility reasons. A developer can already write a fully native and compiled Cocoa application only using the Ruby language and the Cocoa API. But MacRuby is more than an Objective-C replacement, it allows developers to push the traditional boundaries of desktop/mobile applications & games by offering easy integration of web services, creation of p2p application, native GUI for backends web application, reuse of code and much more.

During his talk, Matt Aimonetti, MacRuby team member, will explain the state of the project, its goal and potential as well as show concrete examples of how to use this powerful new Ruby implementation.


Slides are not currently available.

##Presentation’s website

Presentation’s website contains limited information about the talk. An interview with other developers was filmed during the conference and is available there. Note that the interviewed group speaks in French. The talk itself wasn’t recorded.

198 Words
