Rubyconf 2012 Ruby vs the World

During RubyConf 2012 in Denver, Colorado Matt Aimonetti gave a talk entitled Ruby Vs. The World.

##Description of the talk:

Ruby is an awesome programming language, it’s so pleasing you probably haven’t seriously looked at other languages since you switched. The programming world is evolving fast, new languages are created daily, new trends are emerging. Let’s take some time to look at a few languages from a Ruby developer perspective.

Matt Aimonetti talks Scala, Clojure, Go and Ruby


The slides are available on [Matt’s SpeakerDeck page] and can be [downloaded here]({{ page.slides }}).


##Presentation website

Matt’s presentation was filmed by Confreaks and posted here.

For more RubyConf 2012 talks, go there.

105 Words


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