How to Manage Slack Constant Interruptions Eod Emails

Ever since I started Splice, I’ve been really eager to experiment and adapt our process to be able to be as efficient as possible while still pleasant. Setting up a process that works is hard because it depends on the size of your company, the team members and the leadership style. We tried many things as we grew and lots of these things didn’t stick, however a few did. One of those is our End of Day email aka EOD email.

In this blog post about team communication at Splice, I go into more details about synchronous vs asynchronous communication, the pros and cons and the process we explicitly defined.

I don’t know other companies using the EOD email approach yet but unless you’re a one man show, I can’t think of a reason not to do it. I also can’t stress enough that you need be mindful of others focus when using communication tools such as Slack.


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